Photographers at
Chasing the Light Photography
Marion's interest in photography started at the age of about eight when she bought her first camera in Woolworth's. She remembers it was a plastic one, taking 127 roll film. In the mid eighties she bought an Olympus XA2. It was suggested she join a camera club by a friend who thought her photographs were good.
In 1993 as an offshoot to 'normal' photography, Marion joined the Wilmslow Guild Audio Visual Group. She had been inspired to 'have a go' a few years beforehand. She is now a well established figure in the AudioVisual community. Marion gained her ARPS , AV- AFIAP and DPAGB in Audio Visual.
Still with a love for single shot photography, Marion has a passion for landscapes that touch the soul. She gained her CPAGB for single shot photography
John's interest in photography goes back as long as he can remember. He shares his love of photography with a love of wild places. His camera has taken him throughout the mountains of North Wales, The Lakes and Scotland to the greater ranges of The Alps,The Himalaya, The Andes, The Atlas and The Sierra. Along the way John has gained a deep respect for the culture and people who inhabit these mountain areas and has strived to capture them on film. John is never happier than when he is wandering his home mountains of Wales trying to capture 'Magical Light'.
He was awarded his ARPS distinction by the Royal Photographic Society in April 2004 and his DPAGB distinction by the Photographic alliance of Great Britain Mar 2005.
For his sins John's other passion is following Tranmere Rovers football club.